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Let it rain lyrics by Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi Let it rain lyrics
  • track 8 of 13, total running time 48:08
  • album Bon jovi 2020
  • released in October 2, 2020
  • produced by John Shanks, Jon Bon Jovi
  • record label Island Records
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Bon jovi 2020 tracklist

released 2020 via Island Records

1. Beautiful drug Beautiful drug Youtube video included
2. Unbroken
3. Limitless
4. Luv can
5. Brothers in arms
6. Story of love
7. Lower the flag
8. Let it rain lyrics
9. Shine
10. Blood the water
11. American reckoning
12. Do what you can
13. Let it rain lyrics

Let it rain song lyrics

Last night I had a dream that there would be a morning after
Long days, sunshine, and peace
Long nights of love, forgiveness, and laughter
Maybe it was just a dream but it could be reality
Children are like planting seeds, you've got to let their flowers grow
Don't you know
F che piova, (Let it rain)
F che il cielo mi lavi il dolor (Let heaven wash away my pain)
F che piova (Let it rain)
Che sia la pace il nome d'amor (That peace would be the name of love)
Through the rain I saw a child just like my child
Someone's son or daughter
I watched as they played for a while
I wanted to cry, those babies just smiled
Maybe it was just a dream, but it should be reality
A child is just God's sign that peace and love are seeds to make
Tomorrow grow
F che piova, (Let it rain)
F che il cielo mi lavi il dolor (Let heaven wash away my pain)
F che piova (Let it rain)
Che sia la pace il nome d'amor (That peace would be the name of love)
Go on, we've tried war
No one wants peace more
Than the children who ask their dads why
F che piova, (Let it rain)
F che il cielo mi lavi il dolor (Let heaven wash away my pain)
F che piova (Let it rain)
Che sia la pace il nome d'amor (That peace would be the name of love)

More info about Let it rain lyrics

check here the lyrics for Let it rain, the 8th song of the 13 recorded for the album Bon jovi 2020, with a total running time of 48:08, by Bon Jovi. It was released on October 2, 2020 via Island Records, and produced by John Shanks, Jon Bon Jovi.
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